Liebster Award

I would like to thank A Vegan In Progress for nominating this blog for the Liebster Award! (I would also like to offer my sincere apologies for being so tardy in acknowledging the award! It is for lack of time, not lack of appreciation.)



  1. Answer the 10 questions that the tagger set for you
  2. Choose your 10 favorite new bloggers with less than 200 followers
  3. Create 10 questions for your favorite new bloggers to answer
  4. Go to their page and tell them
  5. No tag backs

While I love the idea of passing the award on, I honestly have not been following any blogs in the last few months (full-time work and the demise of Google Reader put a cramp in my style!), and the blogs I do manage to check in on occasionally, have more than 200 followers. So, I’m not able to participate in that part of the award, but I’ll answer the 10 questions that  A Vegan In Progress asked…

1.  In this golden age of television, what’s your favorite show currently airing?

Steph – I don’t watch a lot of TV, but the shows I like to see are ParenthoodParks and Rec, and Modern Family. I’m also a fan of So You Think You Can Dance, but only managed to catch about half of the shows this summer.  

Alaina – I enjoy Downton Abbey in addition to the shows Steph mentioned.

2.  Have you ever won anything (other than an Liebster nomination of course!)?

Steph – As a kid I won ribbons in 4-H and music festivals. But, I’ve never, personally won any big awards.

Alaina – We have gratefully received a few blog awards! Other than that, i won a couple of scholarships in college as well as 4-H awards.

3.  What is your go-to cookbook?

Steph – Currently my go-to cookbooks are Nourishing Meals and The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook both by Alissa Segersten.

Alaina – Hm, probably my Bon Appetit cookbooks.

4.  What is your first ever memory?

Steph – I was given a stuffed dog when I was born which I loved, but for some reason my little sister (two years younger) became obsessed with the dog and anytime she saw the dog I had to hide him. Eventually I caved and gave her the dog (which she adored, he even went to college with her!).
As for my first kitchen memory, it’s probably decorating a cake for my mom’s 32nd birthday.

Alaina – My first friends, Tammy & Jenny. They lived next door. My first ever kitchen memories is making eggs in the microwave and decorating a cake for our mom’s birthday.

5.  If you won the lottery, what would be your first expense?

Steph – My boring answer is pay off student loan. 🙂 But, I’d love to buy a little house with a place for a garden. I’d also love to travel!

Alaina – My boring answer is also to get out of debt. 🙂 Beyond that, I would buy a new van, build a house designed around the kitchen, take our kids to Asia, and start a non-profit grant organization.

6.  Where is your happy place?

Steph – I most like it when I become completely absorbed in something I enjoy doing, such as reading or cooking or quilting or yoga or writing.

Alaina – The kitchen.

7.  Where would you next like to travel?

Steph – I would love to travel internationally, but as I’m quite certain that the possibility of such travel is still a few years away, my closer to home travel dreams are the Grand Canyon and the Pacific Northwest.

Alaina – I LOVE to travel. My dream place (at the moment) would be an island with an umbrella drink. Realistically, I would like to travel to North Carolina to visit one of our sisters.

8.  Did you complete any college?  If so, what was your major or emphasis?

Steph – I have a Bachelors degree with a double major in English and Writing.

Alaina – Yes, I am a licensed dental hygienist.

9.  What do you feel is the most important issue facing society that is largely being ignored?

Both – Tough question! We try to stay out of politics on the blog. 🙂

10.  What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

Steph – Oh, it’s too hard to choose! My food processor and blender get the most use. But I also love my waffle maker, Kitchenaid, slow cooker, and immersion blender. I’m of the opinion that if I own an appliance, I should be using it with some regularity, otherwise it is not worth the cabinet space.

Alaina – So many! Slow cooker is probably use the very most or maybe my Bosch. They are both must-haves for me. I also love my immersion blender, rice cooker, and food processor.